Kapiti Horowhenua Area Pairs

Kapiti Horowhenua Area Pairs

8B Online Tournament Series

(3rd Thursday of the month)

Start time 7.15pm

Hosted by

Levin Bridge Club





Player links will be published on the


Autumn Series

·         Kapiti Horowhenua Area Pairs (1)                                        20-Mar- 25    Link for Round 1

·         Kapiti Horowhenua Area Pairs (2)                                        17-Apr-25

·         Kapiti Horowhenua Area Pairs (3)                                        15-May-25

Winter Series 

·         Kapiti Horowhenua Area Pairs (4)                                        19-Jun-25

·         Kapiti Horowhenua Area Pairs (5)                                        17-Jul-25

·         Kapiti Horowhenua Area Pairs (6)                                        21-Aug-25

Spring Series

·         Kapiti Horowhenua Area Pairs (7)                                        18-Sep-25

·         Kapiti Horowhenua Area Pairs (8)                                        16-Oct-25

·         Kapiti Horowhenua Area Pairs (9)                                        20-Nov-25`



·         Winners for each 3-session series (one sub allowed per series)

·         An overall winner of the 9 sessions – the best 7 sessions count

·         Prizes for other placings will be given depending on entries

·         Best overall Intermediate Pair of the 9 sessions – the best 7 sessions count

·         Best overall Junior Pair of the 9 sessions – the best 7 sessions count

(two subs permitted to count for the overall winners)

Register online https://www.nzbridge.co.nz/events.html

Table money $8.00 per session

Please pay online to KHAP Account 06 0730 0432921 00


Enquires to Bridget 027 243 8321 or Bryan 021 428 382



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